Jumat, 27 Juli 2012

Massive Wall Magazine ‘Bigding’ as one of Teacher Efforts in Fostering Students to Improve Cultural Literacy at the School

1International Program on Science Education, Indonesia University of Education (UPI)

Globalization era borns characteristics which one main point become a big challenge, that is communication skill which is closely related to literacy. But, survey result taken by International Mathematics and Science Study places Indonesia into 36th place from 48 participant country, this explains that literacy skill of Indonesian students is relatively low. Teacher who served as facilitator must overcome this obstacle since literacy hold the crucial role in life long learning. Departing to the obstacle, literatural review method is taken and produces solution called “Bigding!” which aims for teacher to improve student’s cultural literacy at the school. “Bigding!” or Big Mading  is massive wall magazine which has the unique concepts that  serve student to have critical thinking without restricting student’s thinking and creativity, those concepts are: (1) free publish; (2) free media; (3) free author; (4) free expression; (5) obeying ethic. School parties whom are involved on the implementation are principal, teacher and student. The analyisis focusses on teacher participation in the implementation of “Bigding!”. The result of this paper is expected to become an illustration for teachers in evaluating their improvement and to strengthen their role as mediator of student’s life long learning.  

Keywords: Teacher; Teaher’s role; Teacher as an example; Cultural Literacy

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